Spectrum-compatible computers «Byte»,«Byte-01» and other rarities

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Thermal regime and heating elements

The computer has heating elements - 556 Series ROM chips and 531-series (analogue 74F series). These chips are heated strongly, especially KR531IE17, so to them heat conductive adhesive bonded radiators to somehow reduce heating chip computer enclosure. Radiators also glued to KR556RT5 (DD10, DD11). By the way, 74F series often fails, especially when power problems.

In the photograph pasted on large radiator ROM KR556RT5, small radiators - on KR531IE17. Right from KR556RT5 KR531IE17 installed, but it has come unstuck radiator and visible traces of glue. The left side of the picture there is a chip K155LA8, flooded by mistake thermally conductive adhesive.

Radiators on ROM chips
Radiators on ROM chips
Radiators on ROM chips